Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Durian King is Back at TTDI with a Big Surprise Besides the Popular Musang King

Durian Season Is Back

Durian King Musang King AA

The new durian season is here! At Durian King TTDI, the emphasis is on quality premium durians. Besides the popular Musang King, you can indulge in many varieties such as the prized Black Thorn, Musang King AA, and more.

Rediscovering Durian King TTDI

Durian King TTDI

Nestled in the bustling area of Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Durian King TTDI is the coolest place in town to have durians. The moment you arrive, you’re greeted by the inviting aroma of fresh durians, setting the stage for an unforgettable experience.

The Allure of Musang King Durian

Durian King Musang King AA

What makes Musang King durian so special? Known for its rich, creamy texture and distinctive taste, this premium variety is sourced mainly from trees over 30 years old. Durian King TTDI ensures strict quality monitoring, serving only the best fruits, making it a top choice for durian enthusiasts.

Our Durian-Licious Experience

Durian King Musang King

My family and I recently visited Durian King TTDI, and it was an amazingly sumptuous Durian-Licious date. We indulged in the best premium Musang King AA, enjoying its luscious, melt-in-your-mouth goodness. The variety of durians available catered to all our tastes, making it a truly delightful experience.

Durian Cendol: The Perfect Dessert

Durian King Durian Cendol

To fulfill your lust for durian, Durian Cendol is the perfect dessert to wash it down. This dreamy dessert is irresistible, served with a special durian pulp that consists of a combination of different durian varieties, creating a unique and strong durian flavor. 

Durian King Durian Cendol

The cendol is further enriched with red beans, peanuts, and coconut milk, resulting in a sweet and creamy dessert that’s simply heavenly and a must-try for any durian lover.

The Big Surprise: Smoky Sambal Nasi Lemak

Durian King Nasi LEmak

To complete our culinary adventure, we tried the big surprise: Nasi Lemak with smoky sambal. The smokiness of the sambal perfectly complemented the fragrant rice, making every bite a burst of flavors. 

Durian King Nasi LEmak Ayam Goreng Berempah

The nasi lemak stall next to Durian King TTDI offers a variety of delicious options like Ayam Berempah, Ayam Masak Merah, Sotong Sambal, Paru Sambal, Bergedil Kentang, and Telur Mata, perfect for sharing with your makan kakies.

Quality and Fun at Durian King TTDI

Durian King TTDI

Durian King TTDI is renowned for consistently offering good quality durians. The fun and engaging environment makes it more than just a place to eat—it’s a place to create memories.

Stay Updated with Durian King TTDI

Durian King TTDI

To ensure you don’t miss out on the freshest durians and the best deals, follow Durian King TTDI’s Facebook page. They provide daily updates on fresh deliveries and pricing for their premium Musang King AAs.


Durian King TTDI

In conclusion, Durian King TTDI offers a durian feast like no other. From the premium Musang King durians to the delicious smoky sambal nasi lemak and Durian Cendol, it’s an experience you don’t want to miss. So, come for the quality and stay for the fun at Durian King TTDI.

FAQs Durian King @TTDI

Durian King Durian Price - June 2024

Q. What is Musang King durian? 

A. Musang King durian is a premium variety known for its rich, creamy texture and distinctive taste, making it a favorite among durian enthusiasts.

Q. How is Durian Cendol made? 

A. Durian Cendol is made with a special durian pulp combining different durian varieties, red beans, peanuts, and coconut milk, creating a sweet and creamy dessert with a unique durian flavor.

Q. What makes the nasi lemak at Durian King TTDI special? 

A. The nasi lemak at Durian King TTDI is special due to its smoky sambal and the variety of delicious side dishes offered, including Ayam Berempah, Ayam Masak Merah, Sotong Sambal, and more.

Q. How can I stay updated on fresh durian deliveries? 

A. Follow Durian King TTDI’s Facebook page for daily updates on fresh deliveries and pricing, ensuring you get the best durians available.

Q. What other dishes complement the durian feast? 

A. In addition to durian, you can enjoy dishes like Durian Cendol and nasi lemak with various side options such as Ayam Berempah, Sotong Sambal, and Bergedil Kentang.

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