Monday, December 14, 2020

Best Guinness Stout Pork Ribs Recipe - 健力士黑啤排骨 - Simple, Easy And Delicious Recipe

Guinness Pork Ribs Recipe - Pork Ribs

Guinness Recipe: Are you a fan of Guinness Stout, if you are you will definitely loves this dish which is Guinness Stout Pork Ribs. Starting off from the marinade ingredients of the spare ribs to the cooking of the sauce, we will use the Guinness Stout to bring out the special taste of the dish.

Guinness Pork Ribs Recipe - Simple Easy And Delicious

Overall this recipe is quite easy to make and with a little experience, you will be able to enjoy this home cook dish with your family.

Guinness Stout Pork Ribs Recipe - 健力士黑啤排骨 - Simple, Easy And Delicious Recipe

Preparation Time: 15 Minutes

Marinade Time: 2 Hours

Cooking Time: 30 Minutes

Starting off, the ingredient list are separated to 2 section, the first of which is the marinade ingredient while the second portions is the sauce.

Guinness Pork Ribs Recipe - Pork Ribs

Section 1 - Marinade Ingredient - Guinness Stout Pork Ribs

  1. 900gm Pork Rib (cut into 3 inches long)
  2. 100 ml Guinness Stout
  3. 2 tablespoon Oyster Sauce
  4. 1 tablespoon Superior Light Soya Sauce
  5. 1 tablespoon sugar
  6. 1/4 tablespoon white pepper
  7. 1/2 tablespoon salt
  8. 1/2 tablespoon chicken powder

Guinness Pork Ribs Recipe _ Pork Ribs - Set Marinade In Fridge

Mix all the ingredient and marinate for at least 1-2 hours and leave in the fridge. The longer your marinade, the taste will be better encased into the pork ribs. 

Guinness Pork Ribs Recipe _ Pork Ribs - Ready For Deep Frying

After 2 hours, remove the pork ribs from the fridge and add 2 tablespoon of tapioca flour to the marinade. Mix the tapioca flour evenly into each pieces of the pork ribs. 

Guinness Pork Ribs Recipe _ Pork Ribs - Deep Frying Pork Ribs

Next; deep fried the pork ribs until golden brown and set aside.

Guinness Pork Ribs Recipe _ Pork Ribs - Deep Fried Pork Rib

Section 2 - Sauce Ingredient - Guinness Stout Pork Ribs

  1. 220ml Guinness Stout 
  2. 2 tablespoon of Superior Light Soya Sauce
  3. 2 tablespoon Oyster Sauce
  4. 2 tablespoon Of HP Sauce or Ketchup (replacement)
  5. 1 tablespoon Sugar

Cooking Step Guinness Stout Pork Ribs

Step 1. Put all the sauce ingredient onto the wok, Mix them well.

  1. Use the balance Guinness Stout into the wok
  2. add in 2 tablespoon of Superior Light Soya Sauce
  3. add in 2 tablespoon Oyster Sauce
  4. add in 2 tablespoon Of Ketchup
  5. add in 1 tablespoon Sugar

Guinness Pork Ribs Recipe _ Pork Ribs - Cooking Step By Step

Step 2. Once the sauce are mix well, add the deep fried pork ribs which you have set aside and fry the sauce until it thicken and gel into each of the ribs. 

Guinness Pork Ribs Recipe _ Pork Ribs - Almost Done

Once you see that every ribs are coated with the sauce, you are all ready to enjoy your Guinness Stout Pork Ribs.

Guinness Pork Ribs Recipe - Delicious

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